Rural Village Water Resources Management Project
Improving livelihoods in Sudurpashchim and Karnali Provinces in Nepal

Based on years of experience with hundreds of water supply systems, RVWRMP has developed a road map for sustainability. Safe drinking water, improved sanitation and hygiene behaviour (WASH) are the backbone of the project but over time, new elements for sustainability have been added. These include Operation and Maintenance (O & M), creation and funding of Water Supply and Sanitation User's Committees (WUSC), Cooperatives and Multiple Use Systems (MUS), that include irrigation, water mills and drinking throughs for animals.
Many multilateral aspects need to be considered in order to guarantee reliable service levels without major rehabilitation needs in the future. These include technical, social, financial, environmental and institutional aspects.
The aim of the Project is to leave functional structures for sustainable water supply services in the community, with a strengthened institutional system at local level to maintain and to keep improving these service levels, aiming to cover those that are still unserved.
Local governments are self-governed and can formulate and promulgate local regulations, policies, directives and manuals. In this regard, the Project has ample opportunity to capacitate the RMs and influence their policies on WASH, livelihoods and GESI. The Project has supported core RMs to formulate the policies for Operation and Maintenance Management of water supply schemes, and Dignified Menstruation Management.
In order to strengthen the WASH Management Board approach, the Project will backstop RMs as per the work plan prepared by the Board. The Board will screen the technical reports of schemes and discuss whether there is a need for support for repairs. Based on this, the Board will make a recommendation to the RME for further action to repair the schemes.